Friday, November 14, 2014

SC Dept of Revenue data breach similar to Target's breach-Who's watching the Hen house?

1 comment:

  1. SC Government has just recently announced an extension of a personal protection package 2 years after their data breach at the main office of the Department of Revenue. What I find interesting, being a SC native and one of the persons affected by this breach, is SC did a contract with the same company that Target used at the time of their breach and are engaged in a legal battle. Target was "certified" as being protected at the time, but clearly there was a breakdown within that certification. There are a lot of misconceptions that data breach's are ONLY network or equipment failures, but the open door is the people process involved, which is where most failures occur, as it did in the SC Dept of Revenue and Target breach's. Last Christmas, 2013, Target suffered approximately a 46% drop in revenues compared to Christmas 2012, which is clearly Brand damage, and over $250 million in fines/fees to date. So ask 1 question: Can your business afford and survive a breach? Contact us for more information.....
